Impactos del uso hidroeléctrico del agua en la gobernanza del recurso (Mendoza- Argentina, 1932-1957)


  • Laura Ortega Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,
  • Verónica Farreras Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Mendoza, water governance, hydroelectric use, shared infraestructure


Mendoza, located in the center-west of Argentina, supported its economic development in a complex irrigation
infrastructure due to its semi-arid climate. This gave way to the creation of norms, rules, strategies and other key institutional
arrangements, constituting a robust system of local governance that had the Water Law of 1884 as an outstanding milestone.
In this scheme, until the 1930s (s. XX), the agricultural use of water became the priority use on which the complex
provincial water infrastructure revolved around. However, from that decade a problem of national dimension began to become
evident, the energy deficit. ?e use of water resources for power generation emerged as a viable solution to face the energy crisis
that the country was going through, a position shared by a diverse conglomerate of authorities, technicians and national
and local professional associations; framed all this in a context of growing state interventionism. Based on previous studies
of our authorship and combining the perspective of historical institutionalism, we seek to analyze and explain the impact
of these transformations on traditional water governance in Mendoza (1932-1957).


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How to Cite

Ortega, L., & Farreras, V. (2022). Impactos del uso hidroeléctrico del agua en la gobernanza del recurso (Mendoza- Argentina, 1932-1957). Investigaciones Y Ensayos, 1(73). Retrieved from



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