No solo fabricantes textiles: Inmigración y financiación de los metalúrgicos judíos en Argentina


  • Raanan Rein Universidad de Tel Aviv
  • Igal Aisenberg Universidad de Tel Aviv



Immigrants, industrialists, metal and machinery industries, Jewish banks, industry financing


The historiography of Jewish immigration in Argentina has delved into its social and cultural integration with its challenges in different periods. Statistical analyses briefly include the occupational structure of these immigrants and their generational evolution. Economic aspects highlight the social mobility achieved as a result of their progress in commerce and small industry, their free access to higher education, and the transition from the salaried to the self-employed stratum after 1930. In this context, references to the hundreds of spinning and weaving mills in Villa Lynch and the thousands of home workers who supported the garment industry in the 1930s and 1940s predominate. Little or no attention has been devoted to two closely related components: the participation of Jewish immigrants in the metalworking industry, and the ability of ethnic-Jewish banks to finance them.

This paper attempts to fill this gap in part by focusing on the role of Jewish immigrants in metallurgical niches in the metals and machinery industries. Although relatively small in their volume of business, they had a significant weight in the production capacity of other branches, as well as in the regular supply of consumption. At the same time, we emphasize the importance of the creation of the Banco de Crédito Industrial Argentino (BCIA) as a watershed in relation to the financing options of Jewish industrial entrepreneurs in the 1930s and 1940s, who, unlike their contemporaries in the clothing sector, required capital investments that could be amortized over a long term.


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How to Cite

Rein, R., & Aisenberg, I. (2023). No solo fabricantes textiles: Inmigración y financiación de los metalúrgicos judíos en Argentina. Investigaciones Y Ensayos, (75).